Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Update! We Are All Fine.

Hurricane update:
Well we decided that the news made this seem A LOT bigger then it was. It is like El Nino with the Santana Winds put together. That gives all my California family & friends a type of perceptive. The problem that could be the worst is the flooding. So this is what happened.

Friday Evening:
           Rain began and didn’t stop, it varied from sprinkles to hard.

Saturday Morning:
           Rain continues, winds pick up to the 50 mph.



Sammie Drying off after going potty


Saturday Afternoon:
           Rain Stops for a while, wind is still strong but, you are able to go out. Two guys fishing in the pond.

Saturday Night:
           WIND WIND WIND! It was hard and nonstop. I do not like wind so that was something I had a hard time with. This also caused the electricity to go out at 10:30ish. We put on the candles and just hung out.
That night at 2 am some MORONS were in the pool, drunk and making so much loud noise. I really couldn’t sleep.

Sunday Morning:
           Church was canceled (due to them not knowing what the damages might be, and if even the building had power).
We slept till about noon. Made breakfast on the grill, hash browns with eggs and turkey bacon; didn’t want the food to go bad.

Sunday Evening:
           Electricity is back on! YEAH!!!! Sammie got a bath, smells good. All is well.
What did I learn…

       1)   The National News makes things so much bigger than it really is, and only talks about the worse things.
         2)   This complex we live in was by divine inspiration. Not only is it built to with stand strong hurricane winds, but we live on the top floor, so flooding would not hit us.
     3)   Trust in your preparation. The Lord has told us to be prepared for these types of things. To have a food storage and such. Well Jeff and I now have lots of water and can food. Our supplies are totally built up for the next hurricane. 

Thank you to everyone for the calls, text messages, emails, facebooks, etc. I am so grateful for your love, concern and prayers. We love you all and am so grateful to have people that care about us so much. Love you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

We are in Hurricane Irene's Path

Well my first true hurricane ever! We live not far from the coast line, but on higher ground compare to other parts of Hampton. We are 30 miles (or so) from Virginia Beach. They have evacuated Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, And all low lands such as, parts of Hampton, York County, Poquoson, etc.
Jeff is the cool headed one and helping me stay calm. I am scared, NO LYING! Here is what we got to be prepared…

We have 2, 5 Gallon water jugs and a 3 gallon one also.
We bought lots of can food. We already had in food storage have rice, beans, quinoa, and etc.
Can fruit and veggies.
We have so far 4 flash lights, and LOTS of candles (for we all know I love candles)
Extra Dog food
Tools and tape
Charcoal and grill, lighter and lighter fluid
Full tank of gas and two extra cans of gasoline.

The only thing we can do is pray that all goes well. There is another couple in the complex that is staying also, and other members of the ward (church) that are here too. Jeff says we are prepared and on a higher ground area so we just need to be smart and trust in God. I can tell Sammie knows something is up, or well he is just feeding off my energy, but it will be good. Everyone pray for us and all those that are in the path of Hurricane Irene.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sammie is having Surgery

A few weeks ago Sammie was limping around the house and we didn’t know why. Jeff and I got nervous that something was wrong. So we took him to the doctor and they could feel the tenderness in his upper left shoulder. He was required to take some medicine and no exercise for a week. So we did. By the end of the week, he was a lot better. He was back to his normal self. 

While we were at the doctors they did a full check up on him, and he was fine. So flash forward to two weeks later I noticed a weird bump on his ear. I never saw it before and it made me a little nervous. So I thought maybe it would go away on its own. Yesterday I realized he needs to get his bordetella vaccine   and we had to go in anyways. I showed Jeff the bump and how it has gotten bigger over the last week. When the doctor looked at it she looked concern. They took Sammie into the back to put a needle in the lump to get some cells to see what it could be (he was a total champ and had no problem). They came back after examine the cells and said, it is a Tumor. It doesn’t have cancer cells in it, but they said we should get it removed and send it to the histopathology. 

So next Tuesday Sammie is having surgery. We are praying that the lump has no cancer cells in it after the histopathology reviews it. We are so shocked of how much this dog is going through. It could be worse, but we are going to do whatever we can to make sure everything is taken care of.