Monday, February 7, 2011

A struggle and a blessing...

My Struggle with Scripture Study

Scripture study has been hard for me. I am a slow reader, unless it was the twilight books, I know pathetic, but I have been having a difficult time figuring out when to study and what to study. It is hard for me just to sit down a read. It was hard on my mission and it is still difficult now. So this weekend before stake Conference, I wrote down two questions, one of them being, “how to magnify my time more effectively.” We were blessed to hear from President Monson. How amazing is that! While I was listening, I kept hearing in my head, “Preach my Gospel.” I heard it over and over. Then I wrote it down. 

The spirit taught me, I study best when I have something to guide me. I realized the best way for me to continue studying the scriptures was to use Preach My Gospel. So I began last night, and it was AMAZING! I am starting in Chapter 3, lesson 1. I am going to go through all the lessons, and use only my Book of Mormon first, then go back through and do it again, only using my Bible. It feels so great! I also realized I need to do it, before I come down stairs and start my day. Once Sammie sees I am up, it is over, ( I swear he is preparing me for having a child, but a modified version) So I am keeping my Scriptures, journal and PMG next to my bed and read from them each morning and or night.

The Blessings of Tithing

Ever since I was a little girl and learned about tithing, I have always paid. It became second nature to me.  That is a blessing. But my eyes were greatly open this past week.  Many people have been reimbursed for their move to San Angelo and they have been given a DLA, which is for moving a spouse out to your station post. It is an extra HUGE chunk of money. It has been very frustrating, becomes no matter how  many times Jeff and I have gone to talk to the Family Readiness Center, of The Travel office, or the Finical office everyone says we can’t get reimbursed. No money for us. It sucks. 

Jeff and I have been looking at each other and say, “We have a roof over our head, food in our kitchen, and money to pay the bills. We have all we need. We are blessed.” 

Well last month, we were given some money as a gift from a family member and it was perfect in time. It helped us and we didn’t even know we need the money till after it came. Then this month, Jeff and I went in again to the financial office, and tried to get the DLA. The man said, no, but he said we can get a travel voucher. So this month we are being blessed again with a little extra in the bank.
We are really trying to save, money for our future. We are trying to do what the Prophets have asked of us. Have money in savings and stay out of debt, and pay your tithing. I have always had a testimony in tithing, but until this week, I never noticed how really blessed Jeff and I are that we are able to have so many great things in our lives.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Temple where art thou?

Temple where art thou?
In riverside there were 4 temples within 2 hours. Redlands and Newport were the closes of the two. They took about a 30 min drive (no traffic). 

Now, I live in San Angelo, and the branch tries to do temple trips once a month. That is a blessing, but the problem is the temple is 3 hours away, and they leave at 7 in the morning. Jeff gets home from work at 3:30 am, and is exhausted. Saturday is our one day where we get to spend the whole day together, but making the trip seems such a hassle. I feel so bad saying these things, but I guess it is a problem that many people have. I remember one of my companies from my mission, Sister Naomi Reid, told me her temple in New Zealand was 8 hours away, and it would be a weekend affair to go. I guess I am catching a glimpse of that. We are moving to Virginia this summer and the two temples that are the closes are 3 hours and 5 hours away. Well this is preparing me, for living there.

So the plan, “crossing our fingers” is we go for the weekend to San Antonio or Lubbock. We will leave in the evening and stay the night out there. I hope this works.

I am realizing how nice it is to have temple so close.  I am grateful for temples and blessings they bring into my life and the life of my family.

 This the Redlands, California Temple



             Here is a picture of the Lubbock, Texas Temple 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

  These are a few engagement pictures that were done from"cean one photography" at the mission inn in riverside.

 This was our wedding day at la Jolla
beach in San Diego!
 You got to love the scaffolding on the temple. But we didn't care.
Our wedding part at the la Jolla Beach park! We had so much fun taking these pictures. 
At the beach again... I love that Kristy and Lauren took their shoes off, to get over this rail. YES I climbed over the poll in my wedding dress. Jeff was so proud of me.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I finally caved in and got a Blog...

Well here we go. This is a first time blog, and I know that many people are very eloquent with these, but that will not be the case with this one. I apologize now for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. English is not my strong suit, so please bear with me.

Every since we have left California, many people in riverside, have been asking us to keep up to date with where Jeff and I are right now.  Besides facebook I thought this may be a helpful tool to express what is going on with us. 

Here is our story…

Jeff and I meet in July 2009 playing a pick-up game of soccer at a local park. We were friends till November, than we started dating. I was supposed to go back to BYU-Idaho in January but Jeff asked me to stay. On January 5th he asked me to marry him. He asked me in the Jackson street church parking lot in his truck; a totally Jeff and I moment. We were sealed July 8, 2010 in the San Diego Temple.
He is in the Air Force. We are now stationed in San Angelo, Texas till about May/June. After that we will be in Virginia, for a few years. So our adventure is just beginning… 

I will try to keep this up to date.