Temple where art thou?
In riverside there were 4 temples within 2 hours. Redlands and Newport were the closes of the two. They took about a 30 min drive (no traffic).
Now, I live in San Angelo, and the branch tries to do temple trips once a month. That is a blessing, but the problem is the temple is 3 hours away, and they leave at 7 in the morning. Jeff gets home from work at 3:30 am, and is exhausted. Saturday is our one day where we get to spend the whole day together, but making the trip seems such a hassle. I feel so bad saying these things, but I guess it is a problem that many people have. I remember one of my companies from my mission, Sister Naomi Reid, told me her temple in New Zealand was 8 hours away, and it would be a weekend affair to go. I guess I am catching a glimpse of that. We are moving to Virginia this summer and the two temples that are the closes are 3 hours and 5 hours away. Well this is preparing me, for living there.
So the plan, “crossing our fingers” is we go for the weekend to San Antonio or Lubbock. We will leave in the evening and stay the night out there. I hope this works.
I am realizing how nice it is to have temple so close. I am grateful for temples and blessings they bring into my life and the life of my family.

This the Redlands, California Temple
Here is a picture of the Lubbock, Texas Temple
Yeah we were blessed to live so close to 4 temples in Riverside. Thankfully, now we have one an hour away from us in Mesa and they are building one a few miles from our place. Can't wait!!!