Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Book Plus Heart Blog Check it out!

Hello All. I know I haven't been keeping any of you posted on what is going on over here in the big VA, but seriously we are trying to get back to the west coast in the next year. Keeping fingers crossed. In the mean time I want to invite ALL OF YOU to follow my book blog. I know that sounds crazy and all, but it has become a passion of mine. I write about many Young Adult, New Adult and Adult Romance. Sydney (my sisters daughter) writes on the blog for Middle Grade and Children's lit. So I want to invite you all to come check it out. You can follow it at any of these links below.

Website: http://bookplusheart.weebly.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bookplusheart

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bookplusheart

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/BookplusHeart

NetworkBlogs: http://www.networkedblogs.com/blog/bookplusheart-home

If you don't like Adult, or New Adult genre, you don't have to follow those. I made each genre separate. I hope I will get some of you two join in following my blog. I am loving it.