Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Book Plus Heart Blog Check it out!

Hello All. I know I haven't been keeping any of you posted on what is going on over here in the big VA, but seriously we are trying to get back to the west coast in the next year. Keeping fingers crossed. In the mean time I want to invite ALL OF YOU to follow my book blog. I know that sounds crazy and all, but it has become a passion of mine. I write about many Young Adult, New Adult and Adult Romance. Sydney (my sisters daughter) writes on the blog for Middle Grade and Children's lit. So I want to invite you all to come check it out. You can follow it at any of these links below.

Website: http://bookplusheart.weebly.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bookplusheart

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bookplusheart

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/BookplusHeart

NetworkBlogs: http://www.networkedblogs.com/blog/bookplusheart-home

If you don't like Adult, or New Adult genre, you don't have to follow those. I made each genre separate. I hope I will get some of you two join in following my blog. I am loving it.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Andrew Jacob

Our future Soccer Player.
We are so happy to have Andrew Jacob in our lives. He is the best thing that has ever happened to us. He is so sweet and funny. He makes us laugh ever day. He is darker then me that is for sure. He is his Daddy's boy through and through. I will be posting more often now and try to get videos up of him.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Knowledge through Old Testament

A) When you find out that you have enemies working against you to destroy and control you, it is not a feeling of joy that comes over a person. It is a feeling of trouble and internal conflict. What shall be done? What shall I do? These are all thoughts and expressions that one will express, and that one was Habakkuk. The Lord was going to allow these Chaldeans to take over the land of Israel, the land of the Jews inheritance. No feelings of joy would be expressed if that was going to happen to any person or group of people.
 b) The Lord is marvelous in his ways of communication with man. He speaks to us in many ways. All of his forms of communication are directed for his children to learn and understand the ways to return back to Him. As children of God we have at our disposal the scriptures in over 90 languages, the Prophet with his Apostles who speaks to us every month and also on a larger scale twice a year. We have the opportunity to have a little-piece of heaven with us once we are baptized, which is known as the Holy Ghost.
The knowledge that God allows each of us to have when we enter this life is very minute. While we gain knowledge and wisdom through our earthly sojourn, we begin to grasp small concepts of eternity. Only After this life, will we truly understand what the Lord expects of each of us.  
I love this gospel, and the blessings that Lord gives me and my family. We are expecting, and I am so blessed that the Lord has blessed us with one of his children. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Daniel and the Lion "Class assignment"

Read Daniel 6:1–24 and record your answers to the following questions:
• Why was Daniel preferred by Darius and the Lord?
-He had an excellent spirit.
He prayed three times a day to the God of Israel, facing Jerusalem.

• What indications are there that King Darius had faith in the Lord?
-       He told Daniel that he believed that the God of Israel will save him.
-       The king fasted for Daniel
-       He was the first one to be there
• How did the king describe the Lord in his decree to the people?
He described the God of Israel that he is a living god and that he does wonders things to deliver his servants.
“I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the aliving God, and bstedfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not becdestroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end.
 27 He adelivereth and rescueth, and he worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who hath bdelivered Daniel from the power of the lions.”

• What encouragement do these accounts give to you as you strive to live the gospel?
It is interesting, because Daniel knew what was going to happen to him if he got caught and he prayer any way. He feared God more than many and that is the most important thing. To remember that God will save those that Love and serve him. As long as I serve and love the Lord he will help me in my trials. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

So I haven’t really updated the blog on what has been going on the last few months, besides my class assignments I have posted. I started a new job in October. I work now at the Library on base. I really love it. It is difficult at times, but I enjoy what I do. Helping people with topics that they are trying to understand and lead them to answers.  I have been able to read many new books that I wouldn’t have thought of reading before. 

The holidays were not too bad. We spent Thanksgiving with friends from the ward. They had a party and it was fun being with many great people. Christmas, Jeff had to work, so I spent most of the time at home watching Christmas movies. When Jeff came home, we had a nice dinner. This was our first Holiday season together as a married couple. Last year would have been our first, but Jeff was at basic training. On New Year Eve we went again to that friend from church’s house and they had a party there again. Got to Love Hampton Ward and their members crazy parties, Jeff and I fit in way to well, it is funny.

Now the beginning of the year, Jeff is on nights till March, so some weeks Sammie and I sleep on the bed to keep one another company. Jeff bought me Pepper-Spray to care with me when I walk Sammie at night, just in case.  I first thought he was CRAZY, but now I have come to appreciate it and love the thoughtful gesture for my safety. So I work 30-38 hours a week during the day and do homework in the evening. Jeff sleeps all day and works in the evening. So when we do get to spend time with each other it is precious to me. I will say I am selfish when it comes to spending time with my husband, but I think right now I have a right to be.

Sammie is doing well, and he likes having one on one time with us. I feel better about not leaving him home all 
day by himself.  Sammie and Jeff are best buddies, and they love playing rough house with each other.  

I just want to say to all my friends that had their babies in the last few months. CONGRATS! I am so excited for you all and love seeing the pictures on Facebook. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Update! We Are All Fine.

Hurricane update:
Well we decided that the news made this seem A LOT bigger then it was. It is like El Nino with the Santana Winds put together. That gives all my California family & friends a type of perceptive. The problem that could be the worst is the flooding. So this is what happened.

Friday Evening:
           Rain began and didn’t stop, it varied from sprinkles to hard.

Saturday Morning:
           Rain continues, winds pick up to the 50 mph.



Sammie Drying off after going potty


Saturday Afternoon:
           Rain Stops for a while, wind is still strong but, you are able to go out. Two guys fishing in the pond.

Saturday Night:
           WIND WIND WIND! It was hard and nonstop. I do not like wind so that was something I had a hard time with. This also caused the electricity to go out at 10:30ish. We put on the candles and just hung out.
That night at 2 am some MORONS were in the pool, drunk and making so much loud noise. I really couldn’t sleep.

Sunday Morning:
           Church was canceled (due to them not knowing what the damages might be, and if even the building had power).
We slept till about noon. Made breakfast on the grill, hash browns with eggs and turkey bacon; didn’t want the food to go bad.

Sunday Evening:
           Electricity is back on! YEAH!!!! Sammie got a bath, smells good. All is well.
What did I learn…

       1)   The National News makes things so much bigger than it really is, and only talks about the worse things.
         2)   This complex we live in was by divine inspiration. Not only is it built to with stand strong hurricane winds, but we live on the top floor, so flooding would not hit us.
     3)   Trust in your preparation. The Lord has told us to be prepared for these types of things. To have a food storage and such. Well Jeff and I now have lots of water and can food. Our supplies are totally built up for the next hurricane. 

Thank you to everyone for the calls, text messages, emails, facebooks, etc. I am so grateful for your love, concern and prayers. We love you all and am so grateful to have people that care about us so much. Love you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

We are in Hurricane Irene's Path

Well my first true hurricane ever! We live not far from the coast line, but on higher ground compare to other parts of Hampton. We are 30 miles (or so) from Virginia Beach. They have evacuated Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, And all low lands such as, parts of Hampton, York County, Poquoson, etc.
Jeff is the cool headed one and helping me stay calm. I am scared, NO LYING! Here is what we got to be prepared…

We have 2, 5 Gallon water jugs and a 3 gallon one also.
We bought lots of can food. We already had in food storage have rice, beans, quinoa, and etc.
Can fruit and veggies.
We have so far 4 flash lights, and LOTS of candles (for we all know I love candles)
Extra Dog food
Tools and tape
Charcoal and grill, lighter and lighter fluid
Full tank of gas and two extra cans of gasoline.

The only thing we can do is pray that all goes well. There is another couple in the complex that is staying also, and other members of the ward (church) that are here too. Jeff says we are prepared and on a higher ground area so we just need to be smart and trust in God. I can tell Sammie knows something is up, or well he is just feeding off my energy, but it will be good. Everyone pray for us and all those that are in the path of Hurricane Irene.