Friday, August 26, 2011

We are in Hurricane Irene's Path

Well my first true hurricane ever! We live not far from the coast line, but on higher ground compare to other parts of Hampton. We are 30 miles (or so) from Virginia Beach. They have evacuated Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, And all low lands such as, parts of Hampton, York County, Poquoson, etc.
Jeff is the cool headed one and helping me stay calm. I am scared, NO LYING! Here is what we got to be prepared…

We have 2, 5 Gallon water jugs and a 3 gallon one also.
We bought lots of can food. We already had in food storage have rice, beans, quinoa, and etc.
Can fruit and veggies.
We have so far 4 flash lights, and LOTS of candles (for we all know I love candles)
Extra Dog food
Tools and tape
Charcoal and grill, lighter and lighter fluid
Full tank of gas and two extra cans of gasoline.

The only thing we can do is pray that all goes well. There is another couple in the complex that is staying also, and other members of the ward (church) that are here too. Jeff says we are prepared and on a higher ground area so we just need to be smart and trust in God. I can tell Sammie knows something is up, or well he is just feeding off my energy, but it will be good. Everyone pray for us and all those that are in the path of Hurricane Irene.


  1. Oh Traci - all will be well. I'm sure of it! You say you are scared but Sister let me tell you where faith is fear is nowhere to be found...and you have a lot of that! xoxoxox

  2. Agree. You all will be fine. I have been through three hurricanes and I am still here! You will be fine... just make sure you have enough batteries for all of your flash lights and other appliances! Good luck with everything! And if you need to go up north, my parents are always up there with a room if you need it! :) Love you!

  3. Wow Traci it is scary, but if you are prepared you should not fear! It sounds like you are very prepared. We will be praying for your safety. Please keep us updated!
